Good visual health is critical to your quality of life. It allows you to see the world around you and enjoy everyday activities like driving, reading, watching TV and playing sports. According to the National Eye Institute, more than 11 million Americans have an uncorrected visual impairment that can impact their quality of life, and in some cases lead to more serious eye conditions. That’s why it is important to see an eye doctor regularly.

Annual eye appoints are important.
Visiting your eye doctor annually for a comprehensive eye exam will help protect one of the most valuable assets you have: your vision. Comprehensive eye exams include pupil dilation, retinal examination, glaucoma testing, visual field tests, eye muscle tests and standard vision tests. With proper vision maintenance, you can look forward to a lifetime of healthy sight.

Annual eye exams are about more than just if you need glasses or contacts.

With 75% of people needing some type of vision correction, a vision plan is a good value.

61 million American adults at high risk for serious vision loss Only 50% of these individuals visited an eye doctor in the past 12 months.

Signs that it’s time to check your vision: Blurred vision, Headaches, Glare/halos around lights, Squinting

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