Original Medicare (Parts A and B)

  • Provided by the federal government, It covers hospital care, doctor visits and other outpatient care.
  • Does not include prescription drug coverage, but a stand-alone prescription drug plan can be added.

Cost you are responsible for:
Hospital Stay In 2016, you pay

  • $1,288 deductible per benefit period
  • $0 for the first 60 days of each benefit period
  • $322 per day for days 61–90 of each benefit period
  • $644 per “lifetime reserve day” after day 90 of each benefit period (up to a maximum of 60 days over your lifetime)

Skilled Nursing Facility Stay In 2016, you pay

  • $0 for the first 20 days of each benefit period
  • $161.00 per day for days 21–100 of each benefit period
  • All costs for each day after day 100 of the benefit period

Part B Deductible you pay

  • $166 per year
  • 20% coinsurance of the Medicare-approved amount for most doctor services (including most doctor services while you’re a hospital inpatient), outpatient therapy, and durable medical equipment.

Should you choose to stay with Original Medicare?
For most people the answer is definitely NO. The part A deductible is per each benefit period which could be every 60 days. You are also responsible for 20% of all the part B charges which can add up awfully fast. Medicare Advantage Plans or a Medicare Supplement is usually a better decision. If you

Need to apply for Medicare Part B


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