So the answer isn’t very clear cut. During studies 85% of consumers agree that people need life insurance. 62% say they have insurance but only 44% do. Stop and think of your own circumstance. If you die today and have a family can they continue to live as the do on your spouses’s salary? Who will pay your burial expenses and will it cause a financial hardship on them? Will your children still be able to maintain their activities and dreams? If these questions are making you uneasy we should meet to discuss your circumstance. 216-287-8832.
Life Insurance – the “I love you” from the grave
Life insurance isn’t about you. It is about the situation you will leave your family and those you care about in. What happens to them when your income stops and they have to pay for your burial. How will they pay off loans and bills that already exist. Will they be able to stay living in the house and keep their current lifestyles? Will your children have the money to attend college or the big wedding they have been dreaming of? That is why you buy life insurance.
Don’t wait – buy now
Why buy now? Not because you might die tomorrow, even though you might. The main reason to buy now is because you have to be healthy to buy insurance. Life Insurance is underwritten. That means they are going to look at your present health and health history to determine if you can get insurance and how expensive your premiums will be. The heart attack, stroke, or cancer may not kill you but you will have trouble getting life insurance afterwards. Diabetes, angina, MS, fibromyalgia, major back surgery won’t kill you but you will have trouble getting life insurance. BUY NOW while you can.