by nazajac | Apr 5, 2018 | Uncategorized
Source: Preventive & screening services | Great list of medicare preventive services that are covered. Preventive medicine is considered better. Finding things when they are small usually means better recovery.
by nazajac | Mar 19, 2018 | Financial, Health
Scammers may call about your new Medicare card to trick you into sharing your personal information — like your current Medicare Number. Remember, Medicare will never call you uninvited or ask for your personal or private information to get your new Medicare Number and...
by nazajac | Feb 9, 2018 | Insurance
If your life insurance is lacking, you have no good excuses and no time to waste. Good article but I was disappointed that they left off one that I think is really important. Buy now while you can. We are all just one doctor’s visit or accident away from not...
by nazajac | Feb 9, 2018 | Financial, Insurance
Learn more about the legal and financial impacts of cancer at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Besides pain and suffering cancer can leave a family financially devastated. Call me if you would like to find out how to protect you and your family. Source: Legal &...
by nazajac | Feb 9, 2018 | Health
Source: ACS Guidelines on Nutrition & Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention