Turning 65, Congratulations! Anyway you look at it this is a big milestone. BUT what do you do about Medicare insurance?
If you are 65 and no longer working and have no employer provided insurance:
- Apply for Medicare Part B.
- Decide if you want to go with a Medicare supplement plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan. You can use the information and links on this site to help you make that decision OR if you are in Northeast Ohio call me at 216-287-8832 for a free consultation.
- Choose what company best fits your needs OR if you are in Northeast Ohio call me for a free consultation.
If you are 65 and continuing to work and your employer offers insurance:
- Check with your employer to see if you need to sign up for Medicare Part B. Typically if the employer has less than 20 employees you will need to sign up for Part B.
- If you are in Northeast Ohio, consider calling me at 216-287-8832. It is the easiest solution and there is no charge. Or you can continue with step 3.
- Decide for when the time comes if you want to go with a Medicare supplement plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan. You can use the information and links on this site to help you make that decision OR if you are in Northeast Ohio call me for a free consultation.
- Compare the benefits and cost you would have from your employer plan with your supplement or advantage decision. Remember to consider what happens to your spouses coverage.
- If signing up for an Supplement or Advantage plan is a better option now, decide which company best fits your needs OR call me for a free consultation.
Retiring after age 65 and starting Medicare then.
- Sign up for your Medicare Part B. Don’t wait until you leave your job. Do it 3 to 6 months ahead of time. You must sign up Part B within 8 months of losing that coverage even if you decide to take COBRA
- Decide if you want to go with a Medicare supplement plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan. You can use the information and links on this site to help you make that decision OR if you are in Northeast Ohio call me at 216-287-8832 for a free consultation.
- Choose what company best fits your needs OR if you are in Northeast Ohio call me for a free consultation.
Good Information
800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) or 1-877-486-2048 (TTY users)
Medicare Interactive:
CMS Enrolling in Medicare Part A and B
Retiree insurance
When to sign up for Part B if you have employer coverage
Download “Medicare and You” in different formats
Shopper’s Guide to Medicare Supplement Insurance and Medicare Options